

International Women's Day

International Women's Day

#Culture and lifestyle


птн, мар 08


март 08, 2024


Across Armenia

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In Armenia, we celebrate Women's Day since 1921, and it lasts not one day but one month, until the 7th of April! In recognition of Armenian Women's Month, numerous institutions grant women a variety of special benefits. In Yerevan during this day, you might be lucky enough to receive a flower from young boys handing out flowers to women and girls on the streets, thanks to the organization of the Yerevan Municipality. All the women are celebrated during this day and all the male members of family, friends, coworkers, and even strangers will wish you a Happy Women's Day. International Women's Day is a recognized holiday in Armenia for working women, allowing them to celebrate as they like with no requirement to do any work at all. While the women can unwind to their heart's content on this day, other family members help maintain order inside the home.

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