

Victory and Peace Day

Victory and Peace Day




птн, май 09


май 09, 2025


Across Armenia

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The 9th of May marks the end of the Second World War in Europe. Armenians fought in this conflict as well because they were a component of the Soviet Red Army. Large military units of the Red Army were under the leadership of more than 60 Armenian generals. 70,000 soldiers, commanders, and generals from Armenia received orders and medals for valor. Nevertheless, the great patriotic war was fought by around 600,000 Armenians, and nearly half of them perished.
On this day, Armenians honor many of their ancestors who lost their lives. Hundreds of veterans march to the Unknown Soldier monument in Victory Park while wearing their medals and official attire. At the eternal flame, they pay their respects and lay flowers. Military parades and solemn ceremonies are traditionally held on Victory Day at monuments, memorials, and graves. 

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