

Harvest Festival: Rural Life and Traditions

Harvest Festival: Rural Life and Traditions

#Culture and lifestyle




Sat, Sep 14 - Sun, Sep 15


September 14, 2024


11:00 - 21:00


Green Training Centre


The most awaited, warm and colorful Harvest Festival of autumn, the festival of RURAL LIFE and TRADITIONS is waiting for you with love. In the course of the year, only once, for only 2 days, we celebrate the holiday of the land worker, together and in high spirits we enjoy the abundant harvest and good, national culture and traditions. We enjoy the national song and dance, entertaining games and master classes.Villagers, farmers, and processors from all regions of Armenia and about 10 countries come to present their products and celebrate their successes and achievements with us.During the festival, there will be live music, national song, dance, raffles, etc. There will also be interesting activities and games for children and teenagers.

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